Adaptation in the Face of Change
“It is not the strongest of the species, nor the most intelligent which survives, but the most adaptive to change.” - Charles Darwin
These are uncertain times, and certainly there is much cause for changes in expectation - plans rearranged, mode of life has shifted. The fear of the unknown has reached fever pitch for some, as we cannot really know what the coming days and months hold, and in a stressed nervous system or one who has yet to have the regular, consistent experience of letting go this will create fear and anxiety. What we must not lose sight of is this - the mechanics of the organising power of the Universe remain the same - actually, the individual self is never in control, it is merely perceived control that we are being asked to let go of in a bigger way now. To surrender at a deeper level to Nature's intelligence - which has both created this, and all other viruses, and which will prolong or curtail the virus and its wider effects also.
We can ask ourselves in times like this, or in the face of any challenge - what am I being asked to let go of? What outdated modes of existing, thoughts or belief systems are being highlighted for reconsideration/deletion? What can I be grateful for in my life right now, despite these changes? Where is some good that is coming from this situation?
We can see the evolutionary forces at play - many are slowing down and spending more time at home with their families. The importance of community and a mindset of "we" is being highlighted. We are realising the freedoms, such as to travel on a whim, we took for granted. The importance of health is being highlighted. We are seeing the detrimental effects of fear and fear mongering and are being asked to transcend, or rise above the fear. The opportunity to let go and surrender more to the way things are, and to take each day as it comes is greater than ever. There can be increased gratitude for the experience of life, and a focus on the things we have right here, making the most of each moment. Any kind of "disaster" always brings unity, and it is the nature of the Universe and consciousness to move towards ever increasing unity. It just so happens that in these times we seem to need events like this in order for humanity to change on a grand scale.
What are the best ways forward for us in such times? Now is the time to strengthen our stability and adaptability. If we can remain stable and adaptive in the face of change, we can respond in the best way possible to changing circumstances and we will be in the best position to utilise our creative capacity to make whatever changes are required.
We can cultivate an attitude of "let's see" - let's take it as it comes, and as it comes take it - let's see how things unfold day by day rather than sinking into the collective fear and letting the intellect run wild into speculation - most of which will not come to pass. The intellect is a notoriously poor speculator and so when we notice we are caught in thoughts of the future (and potential catastrophes) we can bring our mind back to our senses and what's real right now. Do I actually have Corona? Does anyone I know have Corona? Is the sun still shining on my skin? This is your reality right now. "Corona" is not your mantra - if we find this going around in our head and the bulk of our thoughts are attending to this, we need to redirect the mind back to what is real in our experience. Take precautions, play our role in the prevention of spread, but otherwise enjoy our life and the current present reality. Remember the law of energy - where attention goes, energy flows. Let's redirect our attention to what's real, to the things we are grateful for, to our families, to ideas of love, unity and creativity in the face of adversity.
Now is the time to prioritise both our immune system and our practice. The two go hand in hand. Make sure you are meditating twice a day for twenty minutes - you have the single greatest tool in the arsenal of defence against a virus which is your meditation practice. It strengthens the immune system every time you meditate. You release fear and anxiety - known immune suppressors. You bathe in the healing Self of totality. Meditators of transcendental techniques are officially 31% less likely to get sick at any time, and you will recover faster if you do get sick. If you have an advanced technique which allows you to meditate for 30 mins 2x a day - prioritise 30 min meditations. If you know how to round, include several rounds a week in your practice. This will help you remain stable, adaptive, calm and with a strong immune system, and will also contribute to the calming of the collective.
If you get sick, with anything - it could be a common flu - don't go into fear. Immediately trust that your body and immune system will respond. That thought alone strengthens the immune system. Cancel any thoughts that don't equate with that. Meditate as much as is comfortable, sip hot water frequently (to help purify and support the nervous system), eat light, warm, cooked meals (kitchari is ideal), and surrender to the healing process. You'll be contributing to the group effort of raising collective immunity towards the virus.
Those of us with a strong meditation practice have a responsibility, to whatever extent possible, to radiate calm, adaptability and stability to those around us who may be experiencing more fear than we are, and into the collective as a whole. What we need is more perspective, and creative adaptation, not more fear. This small act alone is powerful, and one over which we do have control.
I'll be offering Group Med online - in-person Group Meds will continue, please stay home if you are sick and join us online. Vedic Meditators from around the world can join us online for the meditation and knowledge. Check the Group Med schedule here and access via the Zoom link.
There are also an upcoming series of Wellness workshops in Auckland available for those wanting to learn how to round, or discover ways of maximising immunity and strength of the nervous system via Ayurvedic principles. See events for more info.
If you need any additional support please reach out.
Much love
Georgia x