WISDOM BLOG Curated by Georgia
Mastering your Storyline
Each of us has a unique and pivotal role to play in the evolution of all things, but so often, we are afraid of how our story is going to 'turn out', will we get the thing we so desire?
Cultivating Self-Compassion
When we can accept, forgive and let go of judgement towards ourself, it’s an act of love, ultimately it’s love of the Self. When we can do this for ourself, we can more readily do it for others, and vice versa. We then tend to find that, by the reciprocal nature of our Universe, our own Self, that others also more readily accept us on our path to our highest evolution.
Surrendering to What Is
When we surrender, we are surrendering individual resistance to our own evolution.
Adaptation in the Face of Change
“Corona is not your mantra”.
The Greatest Distraction for Women
The single fastest way to keep women from coming into their true power is to have them focus, obsess, or continually concern themselves with how they look.