Why is Vedic Meditation so ‘expensive’?


It’s important to recognise that what you’re really paying for is the experience, expertise and the ongoing support of having an expert teach you to meditate, so you can go on to practice successfully and self sufficiently.

The course investment when you learn Vedic Meditation, is reflective of these 2 things:

  1. The Expertise of the Teacher: A fully qualified Vedic Meditation teacher has had at least 3,000 hours of training. Georgia, specifically, has personally taught over 1500 people to meditate & is one of the most experienced Vedic Meditation teachers globally.

  2. You Gain a Lifetime Skill & Ongoing Support: you’re investing up front in a lifetime skill but are then welcomed to a lifetime of free, ongoing support including free weekly knowledge sessions/group meditations. This differs to a traditional model where you pay class by class & are reliant both on the teacher & attending (or logging into) a class in order to meditate. You’re also able to re-attend a course for free

Another key benefit of investing in learning to meditate with an expert is that generally, when we invest a meaningful amount of money in something, we value it more & in this case it can be really useful for motivating people initially to meditate consistently and for developing a meditation habit. We don’t tend to find the same effect with free apps.

And finally, with regards to assessing value its worth recognising that we are often habituated to thinking that investing in our wellbeing, or health, is ‘expensive’, but the same amount of money spend on a business course, renovations, socialising or a one-off holiday is worthwhile. What is really expensive is being unwell or stressed - the cost of health treatments, time off work, therapy etc and the deeper costs on our relationships, children, our work quality and experience of life.

Most practioners of Vedic Meditation report that it’s one of the best investments they’ve ever made.

We provide payment plans to assist with the initial investment & if you’re undergoing financial difficulty or the course fee is beyond your reach, please reach out to us and we can discuss a reduced fee or scholarship.

If you have any further questions, please
reach out.

If you’d like to know more about Vedic Meditation, visit my website here.


Is Vedic Meditation Worth it?


What is Vedic Meditation?