Why We Resist What Expands us the Most & How to Break Through


It's a fascinating phenomenon that we will actually resist doing something that will help us, support us or elevate us.  

You might have seen it with working out for example or taking your supplements, but you'll also notice it in other areas of life.  Meditation, because of its power to elevate you beyond what any other aspect of life can do, will firmly fall into this category.  So why and how can we break through this patterning in any area of life?

Ultimately, we have deeply bound patterning and the more deeply bound it is, the more we will resist something that will break through that patterning, or has the power to create a more elevated, expansive reality for us.  The greater the capacity for change, the more we'll resist it.  

Partly, although we desire change, we are actually more comfortable with our current way of being.  We're comfortable with stress, we're comfortable with our current level of abundance or the relationship dynamics we're experiencing, or the state of our health or energy.  We may not find it desirable so to speak, we desire something different, but we are comfortable, very habituated to the status quo.  

When we truly desire change, which often comes when we have our 'never again' or 'ok, now it's bad enough' moment, then we start to initiate a sequence where the desire for the elevated state or experience, something beyond which we have been experiencing, becomes more desirable, more valuable than the effort it will take to get there, and it can override the resistance.  Resistance will still come, but there is only one way to move through it - which is to have a strong will, a strong value system for the elevated state and therefore the action/tool/technique/or decisions that are going to lead you there.

It can help to recognise that you will come up against resistance that's a result of your own patterning, and also a sense deep down of what you deserve.  You've come to accept that you deserve certain experiences based on what you've been exposed to so far.  So we need to elevate our sense of deserving and claim the elevated experience or state, as part of the process as well.

Here's how to break through resistance:

1.  Take time to internally claim the elevated state.  What you desire to be experiencing, how it would feel to experience that.  Perhaps it is feeling peaceful, clear and loving.  Abundant.  Energised.  Motivated.  Total clarity.  This experience is possible for you.  You may need to bring your attention to this feeling many times.  As resistance rises towards something that you know will move you in this direction, then remind yourself of your WHY.  The WHY is more important than the action itself.  The WHY drives the action.

2.  You're going to have to value YOURSELF in order to access that which you desire.  If you don't value you, you will consistently put other things, tasks, people and their desires above your own.  You will literally self sacrifice.  Take some time to start claiming what you deserve for yourself.  What you value, you'll put effort towards.  If you're not putting effort towards yourself, then you don't yet value yourself enough.  Be with yourself and claim your highest sense of deserving.  This life is ultimately about YOU - how you evolve (primarily), how you serve, how you offer your gifts into the world, how much you can feel free and enjoy life, but it all comes down to who you are first.  If you are not feeling grounded, clear, loving then you cannot be loving towards others, you cannot follow through on your vision, you won't have the energy to deliver or serve.

3. If you've taken care of 1 & 2, you'll find yourself flowing more in the direction of being able to move through resistance.  Identifying your flavours of resistance can be helpful - is it "I can't be bothered", "I can't", "I'll just leave it today", "I don't feel like it", "I'm too tired", "I just have to do x, y, z".  We need to take accountability for our own resistance and see it as such.  These are all just ideas.  They have no basis in truth.  What we want to do we'll make time for.  If we want a coffee, we'll drop everything to go and get it and find reasons to do so.  So it's not about the thing, it's about what we value, what we're habituated to and how clear we can get on our motivations and thought patterns.  Once we recognise the patterns of thought, then we can spot them more easily and that's the time to lean in for the WHY and remind ourselves why we want to do something (or not as the case may be), what we are working towards and are ultimately devoted to, and that we deserve it and can make a different, more conscious choice in that moment.

4.  Shifting some of these patterns vibrationally, in a targeted way, through mantra can be very powerful. A Vedic practice called 'Japa', which is repeating a targeted manta in the mind a specific number of times a day, for a specific period of time (usually 21 or 40 days) can be a very powerful way to move through some of the underlying patterning.  This is a different process to, and supplement to a meditation practice and I'll offer the appropriate targeted mantra via a Vedic astrology reading so we can take a holistic view to see where the root of the resistance lies and apply a mantra accordingly.  Book in for a reading here.

I hope this gives some insight into your own resistance to create more consciousness and allow you to move consistently in the direction of your highest evolution and deserving.

With love,
Georgia ❤️


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