WISDOM BLOG Curated by Georgia
Surrendering to What Is
When we surrender, we are surrendering individual resistance to our own evolution.
Adaptation in the Face of Change
“Corona is not your mantra”.
The Greatest Distraction for Women
The single fastest way to keep women from coming into their true power is to have them focus, obsess, or continually concern themselves with how they look.
The Hallmarks of Progress
How do we know we're progressing? How can we see what shifts meditation is bringing? Are we progressing if we still snap at our kids or feel intensely angry at our partner?
The Secret to 24/7 Bliss
Bliss, that serene inner contentedness, that feeling of stability and being at peace with everything, is not to be found on the relative, storyline level of life.
Return to Innocence
Return to innocence. The return to Self. This is both the process and the outcome of meditation.
Mums who Meditate
“Each child is a story unfolding chapter by chapter” - Maharishi Vyasananda Saraswati.
On Depression
Self love
'Should' is an anathema to evolution
“Should” is primarily based on the opinions of others, your own fears and need for acceptance and safety. It suffocates you from your own intuition and the evolutionary impulses moving within you.
Stress = self interest
The biological impulse of stress causes us to narrow our focus literally to ourself and where we need to get to in order to escape the “threat” to our survival.
On deeper examination a majority of your ideas about yourself, your fears, feelings and impressions are based on those of your parents, or closest caregivers, a bundle of impressions absorbed onto the white cloth - your innocent state - of natural bliss, joy and wonder.
Why do we meditate?
The experience of our natural state of bliss, a deeply contented peace of mind, is something we all want to experience and we often make the mistake of searching for this outside of ourselves. Social conditioning will have you forever on the hunt for this outside of yourself, you're the hound chasing a carrot on a stick - you can never catch it.
The New Normal
Bliss - serene, inner contentedness, is actually our birthright. The state where our awareness is unbounded, where we identify more with our inner experience, the established experience of Being, pure consciousness, is, in the Vedic worldview, our "normal" state.
Your Primary Purpose
So often we get caught up in the doing of life, the achieving, the getting things done, or the just getting through life. Our mind is attuned to this is the way life is, and we become so busy, so engaged with this that we completely miss the point of the whole thing.