Georgia Vavasour - Vedic Meditation

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Less stress more progress

Our progress is hampered when we lack clarity of thought, energy, dynamism, creativity, stability and fearlessness. With the constant incoming demands of modern life, it’s virtually impossible for the nervous system to achieve or sustain those qualities without industrial strength stress release on a daily basis. Meditating only when you’re really stressed, or a couple of times a week, doesn’t address underlying causes. Consistency is key. And yes, it’s possible to be fearless. It comes from the stability of being grounded in Being, as a result of regular exposure to that layer in your own consciousness where fulfilment and bliss reside: fears fade with the onset of your own inner light. Meditation has been set up to be hard, boring or frustrating. The domain of hippies or people with a lot of time on their hands. When actually, most Vedic meditators report they look forward to their mediation and find a way to prioritise it into their day - from CEOs to working mums with 2 kids - the phrase I hear so often is “I couldn’t do it without meditation”. It’s the not so secret weapon for reaching your potential in all aspects of life. 

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