Your Primary Purpose
Your Primary Purpose
So often we get caught up in the doing of life, the achieving, the getting things done, or the just getting through life. Our mind is attuned to this is the way life is, and we become so busy, so engaged with this that we completely miss the point of the whole thing.
Our primary purpose mirrors that of the Universe itself, because we cannot separate ourselves from it, we are one and the same thing, we are reflections, and expressions, of it. We are here to awaken to our inner fulfilment. To live the full value of life. We are here to find our way back to source, and to ultimately fully realise that as our innate, direct, and spontaneously sustained state (without any strain), in daily eyes-open life. We are like homing pigeons programmed to do this. But, to whatever extent we have stresses and samskāras (impressions) in the nervous system, and mistaken intellect still running old programming, we can become confused about our true purpose and get delayed and waylaid as we stop to play, and focus solely upon all the shiny things, instead of making it to the final destination. We must realise that despite how the majority of society is operating, and where value is being placed, that collectively we have strayed far, far from our primary purpose, and the deeper truth of our existence, which is the root cause of all suffering, all crime, all persecution and the abuse of the planet and its resources.
It doesn't mean that we are meant to give up all our possessions, our family, the things we enjoy. But it's important to remind ourselves of that purpose, and to give credence, attention, intention to it, and to direct our activities in that direction. That all of those things, whatever achievements we enjoy and experience, are vehicles for our own fulfilment and state of consciousness to flow and experience, rather than the sole purpose of life. We are not here to simply tick off a checklist of things - we got the house, we got the renovation, we travelled to 20 countries, we had a beautiful family, we achieved our career goals. It sounds good, but a life based purely, and solely, on these things will bring suffering and stress. Because when things don't go our way, we don't feel good enough, we push ourselves too hard and end up burned out, apathetic, fatigued and asleep at the wheel of life.
So what does this mean, practically? We can start with prioritising just 40 minute of our day (2x 20 minutes) for meditation. We are asking for, and have a natural in-built desire, for something quite profound - the release of those stresses which hold us back, induce suffering and cloud our perception of the truth, the purification of the nervous system, and ultimately, the stabilisation of that state of bliss consciousness - deep inner contentment, Being - along with thinking and activity, and heightened perception to experience the deepest, richest layers of life, the height of human experience. In exchange for the gradual awakening of this, we need only offer 40 minutes of our day. In that light, it's a very small thing, those 40 minutes.
If we are not getting to 2 x 20 minute meditations, it may be worth asking ourselves what we are prioritising. Under scrutiny, we will find that very few activities warrant prioritising over the means to achieving this primary purpose in life. It's the equivalent of being given keys to the kingdom and just leaving them in the drawer, never to unlock the gates. When meditation doesn't feel good, when it feels uncomfortable, when we experience a lot of thoughts or feel like getting up and out of meditation because a lot of stress is being released, it can be worthwhile reminding ourselves of the why of meditation, of the higher purpose we sit for those 2 x 20 minute sessions.
Our state of consciousness is primary to all activities and experiences in life. How we experience our friends, our family, our children, our relationships, our career is all predicated on our state of consciousness. And, of equal importance, how they experience us, how we show up to these interactions, what we contribute to these and to the entire collective consciousness, is also based on our state of consciousness. It bears considering.
So we are meditating, and we are experiencing some expansion, and feeling better in life, what then? We keep going. We take the opportunities we have in life to bring that growing sense of fulfilment to the table in our interactions - with our family, our colleagues, the Countdown checkout clerk. When we get lost in our thinking - our fears, wrapped up in the need for things to go, or people to be, a certain way, the attachment to achieving certain things, we let go a little more and remind ourselves of what our primary purpose is. This purpose flows through every moment, in this moment where am I coming from, who am I being? If I'm experiencing suffering of some sort in waking life, can I detect that underlying layer of fulfilment, that quiet place of Being that's there for us to experience at any time - in ever increasing degrees - and remind myself of that truth, and just let go a little more, allowing the feelings to wash through, but bringing the light of consciousness, of the truth of all things, to the moment. We correct the intellect. If the mind can cause stress and negativity, then it can also alleviate it - with pure knowledge.
My message to you is this: don't get distracted by the shiny things. Enjoy them, but don't miss the opportunity you have gifted yourself, to move in the direction of achieving your primary purpose, realising that inner fulfilment and allowing it to flow through all of your interactions, and all aspects of life, moment by moment.
Love and Jai Guru Deva*
Georgia x
*victory of light over darkness